Data modem

Data modem

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ALGE Teledata TED2 (RX...

Price €2,208.33

The Teledata TED2 is a long range radio system for the free ISM band. Different are frequencies available. The radio transmitter operates with 400 mW power for distances of up to 4.5 km. It is possible to use the radio for impulse transmission and data transmission.

ALGE Teledata TED (RX...

Price €1,982.50

0The Teledata TED is a long range radio system for the free ISM band. Different are frequencies available. The radio transmitter operates with 400 mW power for distances of up to 4.5 km. It is possible to use the radio for impulse transmission and data transmission.

Chronelec 500mW RS-232...

Price €408.33

The modem makes it possible to transform your wired links into wireless.It is used to connect the intermediate decoders with the Elite decoder, as transmitter for the OLED messenger display or to send the data to the alphanumeric LED display.The maximum distance without obstacle can go up to 15 km (9.3 mi) at 1200 bauds or 2...